The Portrait of Divinity 神像

53x43cm (no frame) , 70*60*4cm(frame)

I printed out an ordinary image of Jesus Christ he had found online, and left it in the sun for three months, causing a faded effect on the image except the right hand and left eye of Jesus Christ, which had been covered before the exposure to the sun. The print is then mounted in an old frame. The right hand and left eye maintain the same color before the sun exposure. The gesture of Jesus Christ is imbued with religious significance: the two fingers touching together refer to the divine and the human in Christ, while the other three fingers refer to the Trinity — the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

The work is exhibited in the display window on the first floor of the gallery, a place for viewers to most likely see the work either on their way in or out of the gallery. This position of the work resonates with the concept of divinity, and with the importance of light to human sight for its power to facilitate sight and obscure color.
