10 Minutes Left (Series)

Slit scan video, Digital print, 65*45cm, 66*48*5cm
Signal-channel video,1920*1080 Full HD Mpeg, 10’00”

The 10 Minutes Left presents a sense of eternity which will be fulfilled through the “gaze.” Meanwhile, it also reveals the subtle vibration of the bodies perceived with the passing of time, and the dissolving quality of the digital images – which create a contrast to the eternal gaze.

’10 Minutes Left!’

On the lens holder, therefore, they decide the length of the existence.

I had my family to stay in the family house and recorded a series of still photographs as slit-scan video. The images which seem to capture the moments are in fact compressed from a ten-minute video. The transition between light and shadow as well as how the objects are moved around in the space has left some noise-like traces in the images. The work thus establishes the depth of the scene by highlighting the contrast between the traces of the movements and the clear images of the photographed figures who remain unmoved.

The 10 Minutes Left presents a sense of eternity which will be fulfilled through the “gaze.” Meanwhile, it also reveals the subtle vibration of the bodies perceived with the passing of time, and the dissolving quality of the digital images – which create a contrast to the eternal gaze.


「剩 10 分鐘!」


我安排親人於家屋中,以間隙掃描攝影 (slit-scan video) 方式拍攝一系列靜態照片。 這些看似瞬間影像的實為一段十分鐘動態影片壓縮後的結果。空間中光影變幻和 移動的物件在畫面上留下雜訊軌跡,對應因維持不動而型態清晰的被攝者,構築 出時空場景的深度。

這件作品傳達了凝視欲帶來的永恆性,而身體因時間影響出現細微的顫動、及數 位影像中的消解性,與這種永恆的凝視互相衝突。