The idea of 2013’s ”Longevity” was from the artist, Luo, Jr-shih’s work with same name. In Luo’s work, he told a story about an Indian male whose body and mental age were only two years old, but his tooth were at the real age of 26. The reason why this story attracted me so much would be that the man’s tooth lived in the absolute physical time, but his body and soul departed from it.
After filming three white parts of my body: fingernail, the white of the eye and tooth in macro cinematograph, I played the video by LCD TV, the white light from it lightened the words on the ground. The audiences couldn’t see the content of the video, but were able to read the words with the light from the video, such kind of transportation showed the materiality of the object being photographed (body) and the medium (video), the comparison between reducing and indestructibility responded to the title “Longevity” and left a question: what’s eternality?
2013 年的「長生」,靈感來自於另一位藝術家羅智信的同名作品「長生」。 在羅智信的作品中,他講述了一則故事:印度一位男子,他的身體跟心智年 齡只有兩歲,但他身上的牙齒是他實際年齡 :26 歲。這個故事吸引我的, 這個人的牙齒是存在這個絕對的物理時間,但他的肉身和心靈卻脫離這個時空。
我將身上的三個白色部位:指甲的月白、眼白、牙齒,用微距攝影機拍攝下 來後,以電視螢幕播放,其投射出的白光照亮地上的文字。在此觀眾無法看 見影像內容本身,而是透過「影像成為光線」轉換得以閱讀。而這樣的轉換 也是將其物質性顯現,拍攝對象的物理特性(肉體)與承載者(影像)的物 理特性互比,消減與不滅呼應了「長生」:什麼是永恆?