Je Te Fais Confiance (I Trust You) 我相信你

Je Te Fais Confiance I
Dimensions variable

I trust you, maybe because I've just arrived here and everything is unknown to me.
I trust you, because you are my stranger and I am your stranger.
I trust you, because I have no other choice.
An afternoon in my room.
I said to myself: I trust you.


身為男同志,在社會文化長久標籤化下,對HIV的憂慮與恐慌,比異性戀多,這也讓自己對性行為本身總帶著羞愧與焦慮感。這件作品呈現的現場,是在我巴黎駐村所住的房間,窗外我安置了白色日光燈,透半透明的窗簾灑進房間。整個房間我留下了純白的物件,包含摺疊好的棉被,以及牆上兩件白襯衫。當你走進床邊,會聽到一個喃喃低語,是我不斷重複著「Je Te Fais Confiance, Je Te Fais Confiance」這句法文。 我相信你是純潔的,我相信你不會陷我於疾病,我相信你會拯救我。在那些性的激情之後,這是我自己對另一半、對自己、對神的告白。

Je Te Fais Confiance II
LED light stand, 3 channels video installation

This work is a continuation of the “Je Te Fais Confiance (2017)” when I resident in Paris. It’s a comfort which “I believe you” to smooth the shock of recurrence of eye disease and a confession to God and doctors. At the end of the residency presentation, I placed this work in my studio bedroom, and the audience would hear my voice repeating.
After the pandemic, the idea of “believing” become different: the physical being is like the flicker light, uncertainly and changeable. This is the background I remake this work that present our suffer and felling in these three years. I repeated the French phrase "I believe you" to the candle fire, and the candle fire flickered with the tone. The light represents the bright of life and shadow of disease and death, like Gorges de La Tour’s fire in his painting.
The installation is three ring-shaped selfie lamps with the three mobile monitors. The lamps are like statues with halo, the flicker light illuminate on the space with the chanting, presenting a strange scene of the sanctuary.

此次作品延伸我在2017年於法國駐村時的創作《Je Te Fais Confiance》,當時因眼疾的復發,我重複著「我相信你」這句法文,像是對神和醫生的吿解。在駐村結束的發表,我在我工作室的臥室呈現這件作品,觀眾靠近我的枕頭時,會聽到我的聲音重複這一句話。