Recall : The Asian Girl 回憶:亞洲女孩

Performance, video, readymade, cocktail

“What should we do to love ourself entirely?”

Jun Qiang and Shih Han wonder how to fine “him”- the right person to finish the wandering with single state after many years. Jun Qiang met his past life - the Asian girl by hypnosis. She uncovers the blind spots of Qiang’s relationship and the barrier that he can’t love all himself heartedly. In this performance, Shih Han will invite his feminine avatar- Hannah to represent this Asian girl’s life, she will bring love, honesty and comfort to us tonight.

Recall: The Asian Girl is a work that combines film, video and performance. I met my past life who is a woman born in East Asia in 1955 through  the hypnosis. Then I invite CHIEN Shih Han who is a drag queen and actor using his feminine incarnation Hannah, interprets the story of the woman in the theater. The performance also incorporates my and Shih Han’s  personal chronicle, audience could review the scenes the East Asia's feminine subjectivity from 1980 until now across different time-space dimensions.

My past works reveal the mutual influence between individuals and collectives, and how does imagination and projection work within our daily lives. But we get the fresh perspective of “cross-dressing”and “hypnosis”. Cross-dressing or drag is not just about switching genders but also involves projecting oneself onto the character or being possessed by it. This is similar to the consciousness state of being hypnotized when one feels like "belonging to you yet not really you," which can help us step out of the our live and gain distance to reexamine our lives.

Through hypnosis, this work reveals how collective conscious influences individuals. The title "Recall" questions the authenticity of past lives within dialectical hypnosis. Did these stories truly happen before I was born ? Or are they constructed memories formed from novels, movies, news - all products of collective consciousness?

Recall : The Asian Girl 
Artist : NIU Jun Qiang
Producer : TING Chao Hui
Co-creator : CHIEN Shih Han
Actor : Hannah Monica
Hypnotist : Carol LIU
Cinematographer : WANG Ai Ju, LEE Wei Chi
Line Producer : YANG Pei Lin
Digital Colorist: CY CHIU
Artist Assistant:LIN Pei Yi, HUANG Yu Chen
Producer Assistant : HSU Cheng Hao, LIN Zi Ning, YONG Hui Xin
Translation: Conor Stuart

The work is presented in “Islandbar-Ratava”at Taipei Performance Art Center’s opening festival
9/9 - 11, 2022

Curate by Joyce Ho and Cheng Hsien-Yu
Co-creation and Performance: Niu Jun-Qiang, Tuan Mami, Anchi Lin, Xin Cheng, Moe Satt
Performance: Jasmine Wang, Temi Nokan, Huang Fang-Hui from IMMA, Huen Sze-Man, Chien Shih-Han
Dramaturgy: Tang Fu-Kuen
Light Design: CY Chiu
Sound Design: Cheng Hsien-Yu
Technical Direction: Huang Chang-Chih
Associate Production Management: Chen Hsin-Jou

30 分鐘





我過去的作品以個體與集體的互相影響、想像與投射在我們的日常生活中作用。在《回憶 : :亞洲女孩》中,觀眾以一種新的方式看變裝和催眠,這裡面都有一種角色轉換狀態,「扮裝」 不只是性別的切換,還有扮裝者對角色的投影、附身的狀態。這和催眠當下,被催眠者的「像是屬於你又不是你的」的意識狀態一樣,可以帶我們離開現狀,拉出一個距離重新看待我們的人生。

這件作品透過催眠,看見集體意識對個體的影響。前世可能是發生過的事,也可能是我們抓取集體意識下的縮影,變成我們生命故事的比喻。片名取為《回憶》,辯證催眠中的前世的真實性。這些故事,是我來到此世前,真的發生過的事情?而或是我的潛意識集結了小說、電影、新聞所有集體意識的產物,重新編輯而成的「記憶」呢?藉著導演、演員、導演的前世,看見東亞的陰性的主體,從1980 至今,不同時空中的的變化。

演出:Hannah Monina
催眠師:Carol Liu
執行製片 :楊沛霖

2022/9/9 (五) - 9/11 (日)

臺北表演藝術中心 11樓排練室1
藝術家:牛俊薔、阮英俊(Tuan Mami)、林安琪、程昕、摩.薩特(Moe Satt)